Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Grammy’s Birthday

Grammy's birthday is today, and we have a lot of excitement from the 8 Pollywogs.

Number 1 Bryan said, “Today is Ant Gay's birthday. She deserves a foot massage which of course she will be giving me!”

Number 2 Tyler said, “She needs some television in her kitchen. Well, I'll save up to get myself one first.”

Number 3 Anna Lauren said, “I will get Grammy a doll. There's a lot to choose from. Wow! I'll get this one for me, and this one is for her. Oh no! I can't get Grammy the doll. I'm broke. Oh well, Christmas is coming soon!”

Number 4 Keegan wants to download Grammy the app Snap Chat, but she has a lot to do. “Maybe I won't get her anything. She has enough!”

Number 5 Wynn said, “Oh, I'll get Granmudder a Paw Patrol bracelet, but I think she already has one. I have an idea- I'll get myself one!”

Number 6 Aiden has forgotten about poor old sweet Grammy but what is he doing? Playing with ..........stuffed animals.

Number 7 Leighton wants to do the greatest thing-- she wants to bring Lucy back to life but how is she going to do it? That's her problem.

Number 8 Blakely just wants to take a nap! But that's ok.

Grammy doesn’t need anything. She has the greatest gift ever—her 8 Pollywogs.

Anna Lauren wrote this on July 2, 2016 from the top bunk on the Darwin Yacht while sailing around the Galapagos Islands.